Z-set, is a comprehensive suite of integrated analysis programs for general purpose structural analysis, with a special emphasis on advanced material representation. Z-set is composed of several self-sufficient modules that can act independently or together, in order to expand the capabilities of existing FEA platforms in terms of material behavior modeling and simulation.
The complete description of the Z-set modules is given hereafter:
Z-MAT: is a powerful library that extends the material capabilities of standard finite element software.
Z-SIM: is an effective tool for fast simulation of experimental results and user material model analysis.
Z-OPT: is a general purpose optimization package that can be interfaced with any external software.
Z-POST: is a general purpose post-processing package designed to act on any type of data resulting from a Finite Element Analysis.
Z-CRACKS: is a module for 3D fracture mechanics analysis and crack propagation simulation.
ZEBULON: is the state-of-the-art finite element solver specifically tailored to the resolution of non-linear structural mechanical problems.